Darthmod empire v8.0 platinum
Darthmod empire v8.0 platinum

darthmod empire v8.0 platinum

Re-balanced all the reload rates so to make the squares to fire more rapidly (they took ages and their reload rate is hard coded and cannot be changed specially) and the BAI even more responsive.

darthmod empire v8.0 platinum

  • Infantry squares more resilient against cavalry.
  • Ships have more damage endurance for more spectacular naval battles, especially the heavy ships above 2nd rate which are big targets but can win now more evidently due to their general superiority.
  • A small unbalance in unit cost upkeep for some 1st rates is resolved.
  • Enhanced the naval physics (ships are affected more by tides and collisions).
  • Naval Mortars and Rockets range decreased so that they are not overpowered in naval battles.
  • Increased the Naval Cannons hitpoints so that they do not get destroyed so easily.
  • Increased the damage of carronades significantly.
  • Cannon Range differs now according to caliber.
  • Rocket and Mortar ships heavily capped.
  • Ships mass increased to have more inertia effects.
  • #Darthmod empire v8.0 platinum free

    This affects autoresolve which now should be completely error free and the real time battles which are even more realistic and challenging. Ships firepower and accuracy fine tuned and corrected in some cases (for example 2nd rate was showing less firepower than 3rd rate).BAI should form better musket lines and be much less hesitant.A small fatigue error penalty in naval battles is fixed.Tweaked firing range for straighter AI musket lines and better Cavalry attacks.Some repairs in the formations in the off sets to achieve even better BAI.Native American morale increased for balance. Morale more dynamic (Units are affected more from musketing and cannon fire but do not shutter and can regroup).Several improvements to projectile physics and trajectories.Unit Vertical rank space increased to proper levels (Maybe it contributed to the Fort Lag).Melee penetration increased to the extreme cinematic effect.Unit speeds and responses superbly balanced not only for more violent melees and better timed volleys but also for much less Siege Lag. By improving a lot the melee and animation mechanics units become much more agile when fighting and also the BAI is benefited by being more responsive. Changes in unit movement and physics mechanics together with other settings provide much more dynamic melee, ferocious and violent, as realism requests. Much better melee mechanics resulting to more violent hand to hand battles and animations.the new feature of DarthMod Empire (read below). The New formations make the BAI to form also double or triple lines when needed, which is necessary when it commands a. You should now notice increased difficulty even in custom battles. Several adjustments to formations and other settings make the BAI to line up better, generally to behave much more efficiently and be more challenging. New formations make the BAI far more effective, especially in defense.Finally the BAI has become better than the average human player.

    Darthmod empire v8.0 platinum